Joy to You!

Welcome to my world. Let me take this opportunity to share some of the lessons I have learned over the years at Ananda Living Wisdom School.

As a child, I never thought I would be a teacher and now–many years later–I think it worked out wonderfully. What changed? Well, I guess it was a slow process, I had to let go of my old definition of what a teacher was. I redefined being a teacher as someone who is there to share from their life experiences; not someone who was perfect or knew everything. I allowed myself to make mistakes and to learn. A teacher, in my dictionary is someone who models the values they teach; which is sometimes the most challenging and growth-producing part of the job. Challenge and adventure were always something I loved.

I have had the privilege of sharing my job with a very creative team of educators. The educational philosophy we use, Education for Life, turned out to be a way of life; continually offering me ways of expanding my reality. Now, it is wonderful to see other schools–including public schools–bringing the principles of this system into their classrooms.

I hope you enjoy exploring this site.
Lightly I fly

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